Thursday, June 12, 2014

Bell's Palsy Update - Day 64

Day 64... I smile at myself and I don't feel normal :(

A lot of people say that I look great and that they can't tell that i've ever had Bell's Palsy but I just don't see myself when I smile in the mirror.

Is it because i'm chubbier from the pregnancy? Or is because my smile doesn't look the same? Maybe it's a bit of both!

I don't notice it anymore either except when my baby puts his head on my face and I can still feel a little soreness. If I don't touch it, I don't notice it.

The other day I was eating at In & Out and I went to rinse my mouth. I've forgotten in that moment that I have been cautiously rinsing my mouth to avoid squirting out any water... so I started to rinse vigorously and let's just say, water squirted everywhere!

The physical changes haven't changed much in my eyes or it's very subtle.

Here's a photo of me before I had the Bell's Palsy with my son being silly...

Here are some photos from today... My smile is still a little off. :(