Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Bell's Palsy Update - Day 97

Okay, the only reason I'm doing another update is because I had a routine dental appointment yesterday. Apparently my face is more sore than I thought. As they touched my lips and cleaned and poke around in there, I felt the soreness more than I have in weeks. It wasn't painful, just very uncomfortable.

I wonder if the soreness will every go away :( 
I also wonder if all the sensitivity have anything to do with my pregnancy.

Well, I'll find out sooner or later....

Monday, July 7, 2014

Bell's Palsy Update - Day 89

So another month later... and the changes are really, really subtle. It's hard to see my old (normal) face when my overall face is different (and ever changing) from the extra weight I've gained during this pregnancy.

I'm able to rinse vigorously now without squirting so I do have more muscle control on my lips. My "kissy lips" still looks bad (to me) but it's not like I walk around looking like that haha

The one thing I still notice is pain in my face. This only happens when I apply pressure to it such as applying lotion or touching it firmly.

This is probably my last update since I pretty much feel normal.